Sunday, February 10, 2008


You don't need others to tell me who I am. I can tell you myself.

What I am is
A hopeless disgrace
A nuisance to everyone.
A curtain of darkness that smears everything it touches
An excuse for a living being
An attempt at making life a blooming tree
A doom that wastes most of the time trying to understand undeniable scum
A wasted oppurtunity in trying to find happiness
A bleaching effect is what I bring and what i will bring

But I like it that way....... I don't regret anything I did to you


Aryj said...

O_O *blink* *blink*...really?? (im first to comment btw)..u aint a nuisance to everybdy..atleast not me..n unless im nobody u cant b a nuisance to everybody!!!
but...i like ur writings a lot...honest..

Anonymous said...

yu made me sad saucy........

ure not sumone like tht....
.....i dont get it.

Anonymous said...

tsk tsk...! *shakes head*
wonder who made u feel like a nuisance..whoever it is juz an ass!!
so cheer up and get that silly idea out of ur mind!
:D :D